International Journal of Unconventional Science is being translated form Russian to English. Here is what is already available:
The last issue, for the time available only in Russian: №12-13 has, in particular, an article by S. Kernbach and O. Kernbach “On Symbols and Memes”. It discusses, in particular, whether esoteric symbols may indeed be related to some “unconventional physics”.
Kernbach and Zhigalov publish there an article about “new inquisition”
С. Кернбах, В. Жигалов, А. Смирнов. ‘Молот ведьм’ reloaded: новая инквизиция в борьбе с инакомыслием.
Vlad Zhigalovs reviews the recent conference on “torsion fields and information theoretic interactions”
В.А. Жигалов. О конференции «Торсионные поля и информационные взаимодействия — 2016».
Lot of goodies. I hope all of these will be available in English pretty soon.
Hi Ark. I see you have a paper in this journal that is related to what you have been discussing here and on your Polish blog (I occasionally read it via Google translate). You mention S3xR in your paper and for me that relates to complex spacetime and the conformal group though you are dealing with a subgroup, the rotation group/rotation matrices in your latest posts (though your not conventional way of presenting it does come across as perhaps related to thinking of it as part of the larger S3xR picture). In once sense I consider myself lucky to have come across your work but in another sense if one is interested in reading all the details related to S3XR, one is going to find your work since most don’t seem to want to go too far exploring it.
You mention “antisymmetric”. Kind of like AntiHermitian which I had very briefly talked to you about years ago on the Cass forum (I’m bluelamp there); antisymmetric just kind of means Lie Group to me (though I can see the negative signs in the rotation matrix). It gets more confusing for me since tensors have symmetric vs. antisymmetric too and people like to use the “antisymmetric” Lie Groups to handle even the symmetric tensors used by Einstein.
Thank you to you and your reader for the registration information. I was having trouble with that yesterday.
Here antisymmetric is indeed related to the matrix Lie group generator. Generators of orthogonal groups are antisymmetric matrices, generators of unitary groups are anti-Hermitian matrices. As long as I am working with real rotation matrices, I have antisymmetric matrices as generators, which is the same as “bivectors”. In 3D bivectors and vectors are related through “Hodge duality”.