- Comments on Clifford algebras
- Comment on “Could ordinary quantum mechanics be just fine for all practical purposes?” by Alexey Nikulov
- Spinning Top – Space Odity
- Geodesics of left invariant metrics on matrix Lie groups – Part 2 Conservation laws
- Geodesics of left invariant metrics on matrix Lie groups – Part 1
- Killing vectors, geodesics, and Noether’s theorem
- SL2R as anti de Sitter space cont.
- Becoming anti de Sitter
- SL(2,R) Killing vector fields in coordinates
- Riemannian metrics – left, right and bi-invariant
- Riemannian metric on SL(2,R)- explicit formula
- Riemannian metric on SL(2,R)
- Parametrization of SL(2,R)
- Curvature of the upper half-plane
- Geodesics on upper half-plane factory direct
- Einstein the Stubborn
- Dedekind tessellation on the Poincaré disk
- Dedekind tessellation or circles all the way down
- Real magic – space-time in Lie algebra
- Geodesics on the upper half-plane – parametrization
- Geodesics on the upper half-plane – Part 2 circles
- Geodesics on the upper half-plane – Part 1 Killing vectors
- Conformally Euclidean geometry of the upper half-plane
- Esher’s Limit Circle IV rendered on the complex upper half-plane
- SL(2,R) generators and vector fields on the half-plane
- Deriving invariant hyperbolic Riemannian metric on the half-plane
- Prime numbers are the dwellings of the mystics
- Recreations with Cayley transform
- Cayley transform for Easter
- Getting real
- Circumference to radius ratio
- Hyperbolic angels and demons
- Following Einstein: deriving Riemannian metric on the Poincaré disk
- From SU(1,1) to the Lorentz group
- The disk and the hyperbolic model
- Hyperbolic geometry – more parallels
- Hyperbolic geometry – Playing with parallels
- SU(1,1) preserves angles
- SU(1,1) straight lines on the disk
- SU(1,1) action on the disk
- Left circular orbits in SU(1,1)
- Right circular orbits in SU(1,1)
- SU(1,1) decomposition
- SU(1,1) parametrization
- Getting hyperbolic
- The Third Expedition
- Our second field expedition
- Our first field expedition
- Fields on the horizon
- Luminous eggs
- Attitude matrix and quaternion path for m>1
- Zero in disguise
- Without goals everything is a propos of nothing
- Being a 4D butterfly – how does it feel?
- More than one path
- Circles of eternal return
- Quaternion evolution
- New wine in new bottles
- Meeting with remarkable circles
- Metamorphosis in action
- The mysterious paths on the three-sphere
- Another geodesic line
- Obsessed with geodesics
- 4D Metamorphosis puzzle
- Quaternions – If they can’t see you, they can’t eat you
- Attitude matrix for m<1
- The final answer for the Universe in which m<1
- Approaching the ultimate answer for m<1
- Giants that stumble
- Attitudes and Behavior
- The case of m>1
- Spinning Gulliver among giants
- Standing on the shoulders of giants – Reboot
- When China Rules the World
- Introducing geodesics
- Taking square root of space rotation
- More recollections
- Mathematics and sex
- Seeing spin like an artist
- Towards the road less traveled with spin
- Chiromancy in the rotation group
- Elliptic Pi in Mathematica and Maple
- Putting a spin on mistakes
- Pauli, rotations and quaternions
- Nobody understands quantum mechanics, but spin is fun
- Spin – we know that we do not know
- Infeld, Einstein and blogging
- Never twice the same
- Taming the T-handle continued
- Taming the T-handle
- Standing on the shoulders of giants
- 1, 2, 3 and butterfly effect
- Dzhanibekov effect – handling the T-handle
- More is different
- Crack in the Cosmic egg
- The Flipping Top Movie that they will not show you in the movie theaters!
- Racket about tennis racket
- Asymmetric Spinning Top – The Hardest Concept To Grasp In Physics
- Solving Euler’s equations
- Angular momentum
- Crystals of time
- Elliptic m-deformed relativity
- Moving to imaginary time
- Periods of Jacobi elliptic functions – Part 1
- Period of a pendulum
- Elliptic addition theorem
- Some day are diamonds (living spiraling force) some days are stones (elliptic)
- Pendulum in imaginary time
- Cosmoplanetary pendulum
- Nonlinear pendulum period and Kozyrev’s mirrors
- Rescaled Jacobi amplitude – general solution for the mathematical pendulum
- Derivatives of Jacobi elliptic am, sn, cn, dn
- The case of the swinging pendulum
- Jacobi elliptic cn and dn
- The case of inverted modulus – Treading on Tiger’s tail
- Jacobi amplitude- realism or cubism
- Jacobi Elliptic SN – The case of inverted modulus
- Lorentz transformation from an elementary point of view – from blogging to science publishing
- Jacobi Elliptic sn – the case of a stuttered sinus
- Jacobi elliptic functions – Definition as trigonometry
- Jacobi
- Dzhanibekov effect – Part 5 – the Navy link
- International Journal of Unconventional Science
- How to register and add comments
- Dzhanibekov effect – Part 4: The equations of motion
- Dzhanibekov effect – Part 3
- Dzhanibekov effect – Part 2
- Dzhanibekov effect – Part 1
- Notes on Ehresmann’s connections -Part 2, Frölicher–Nijenhuis bracket
- Notes on Ehresmann’s connections -Part 1
- Einstein, prędkości, styczne
- Nieubłagany czas – Heropass
- Relatywistyczne składanie prędkości
- Szczególne transformacje Lorentza
- Szczególna teoria względności Cz. 2
- testing
- Przekształcenia Lorentza
- Szczególna teoria względności – Cz. 1
- Witam!